CRYSTALCLEAR POLYURETHANE EPOXY based polymerad duct of gloss and adhesion improver are suitable for 3D floorings can apply on concrete, Stone,wood and ceramics and laminated sheets specially developed coating are transparent and colored application.
WHERETOUSE:-Table top, Industrial Components, , Jewellery Meena, Gift articles, God idols, Key chain, wood, Marble, natural stone, concrete,ceramics, glass, ornamental metal, Appliances, Machineries, wall, Electric & electronics instruments, LED Encapsulating, Paverblock and Tiles, Table top, Specially formulated for Inlay in stone and wood, etc.
METHOD OFUSE:- (1) SURFACE PREPARATION:-Surface should be Dry,clean, even and free from dust, dirt, paint, rust, Algee, grease, soluble salt,or other contaminations and Damp free. Surface should be rough and clean.
(2) ApplyPrimer Coat:- Mixthe polymer in given ratio and remove bubbles by applying vacuum for some timeand vacuum the bubbled Air. (4) Apply the mixed polymer clear / colored ( Addsmall drop quantity for light color and add more drop quantity for dark colorin to the clear polymer.Than apply on prepared surface by roller, brush orspray.
(3) before 24 hours or after 4-6 hours (check applyscreed coat before surface dry) Apply screed coat on primer coat for levelingis required. Mix as per given ratio. Make sure surface should be very smooth,if not prepared by sanding.
(4) Fix thechoice design or a painted the designs:-Prepared painting or a fix the sheet of design asper your choice. If sheet is not self gumming , so apply any below Epoxy as aprimer. Apply very thin coat.Aftre 24 hours.
(5) Apply lastclear coat on designs:-Mix the part-A and Part-B ingiven proportion, and apply on designs apply by roller, brush or a spray, as per suitable methods.
For Coating Thickness :- 3 mm to 5 mm will givebetter look
For Casting Thickness :- 1 mm to 2 5 mm
TAKE CARE:-(1) takecare dust should not damage of clarity of the last coat.(2) After mixing apply vacuum for removing air, If vacuum is not possiblepass through mixed material from Doubal layered Nylone/ Polyester fabrics forremoving bubbles. (3)After applying clear coat apply spike roller onsurface. (4) hand over the floor after 48 hours after the application. Makesure the material are full cured. 100 % strength willachieve after 7 days.